At this age, children are eager to investigate the workings of their expanding world and
experiment with their emerging sense of mastering skills. This is a time of enormous strides for your child, when communication and conceptual thinking and the development of self and social skills flourish. Our curriculum helps young learners grow into confident students. Our nurturing teachers focus on each individual child’s personal achievement of educational and developmental milestones. The program prepares children for kindergarten and beyond, with the skills and confidence needed for a lifetime of academic success.
This program is one that inspires children to reach their full potential. Our teachers inspire curiosity and creative thinking, guiding preschoolers by targeting developmental and academic milestones in the areas of language and literacy, mathematical reasoning, and scientific investigation. The curriculum provides a mix of independent, teacher-directed, and small group learning experiences and activities, creating multi-disciplinary learning centres that encourage individual skills and emerging interests in the areas of creative expression, language, math, manipulatives, art, dramatic play, and outdoor learning.